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WPT Earns 3rd SHARP Award From U.S. Department of Labor
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WPT Earns 3rd SHARP Award From U.S. Department of Labor

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WPT Power Corporation has received a SHARP award from the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This is the third time the Wichita Falls, Texas manufacturing facility has earned the SHARP recognition, which is given to small to medium-sized employers with exemplary safety and health management practices.

“The safety and well-being of our employees, customers or anyone who enters our facilities is most import- ant,” says Roger Gardea, Safety Coordinator. “We are very pleased to be recognized for our team’s dedica- tion to a safe work environment,”

“The main contributing factor to the overall success of receiving this award is the employee’s proactive in- volvement. Their commitment to identifying hazards, continuous training and following procedures makes sure that all employees, customers, and suppliers are safe,” said Lane Brock, President. “WPT Power is com- mitted to reducing injuries and work site hazards by improving, maintaining and implementing safety and health management best practices.”

OSHA’s SHARP award is given to small businesses with less than 500 employees that show exemplary workplace safety and health practices. To qualify, the employer must request an on-site consultation, involve employees in workplace safety and health, correct any hazards identified during the consultation process, and maintain an injury and illness rate lower than its industry average. Since 1990, SHARP has advanced workplace health and safety by conducting numerous research, monitoring and demonstration projects.

For more information on the Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program, visit

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