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The Perfect Union: CSR 174 Crossover Drill Rig (SPT, CPT & Auger Combination)
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The Perfect Union: CSR 174 Crossover Drill Rig (SPT, CPT & Auger Combination)


DrillRigTMG Manufacturing Corp. announces the launch of the first ever purpose built combination SPT, CPT and Auger Drill Rig. Having the versatility to Auger Drill, Rotary/Mud Drill, full function SPT hammer testing and full function CPT testing in ONE compact track mounted Drill Rig is a first in the industry. Engineers can now invest in one machine to test soils using SPT or CPT technologies.

The cost savings is tremendous. The crossover rig has a three drilling position mast. Position one has a standard rotary drill head attached to a wet swivel for mud rotary drilling. Position two has a powerful auger drive to do virtually any type of auger drilling and position three is the unique custom hydraulic clamp style CPT drive head.

View the complete brochure here or contact Michael with any questions.

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