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TEI Rock Drills 2019 Hollow Bar School Information
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TEI Rock Drills 2019 Hollow Bar School Information

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You’re invited! Enrollment is now open for TEI Rock Drills’ Hollow Bar School. Two sessions will be offered this year in order to accommodate growing interest. Students will learn from industry experts through classroom and field training about the process and best practices of installing hollow bar micropiles for soil stabilization.

All aspects of hollow bar installation will be taught including the TEI Method for Installation, grouting principles, an overview of micropile and soil nail design, and step-by-step instructions on how to properly test a hollow bar micropile. Case studies from geotechnical contractors will be emphasized. Instructors also cover the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of each piece of equipment. 

Hollow Bar School will take place in Montrose, Colorado on June 2-4 and June 5-7, 2019. Each session is limited to 32 participants, and both are expected to sell out. Your seat is only reserved upon payment. The price is $1800, which includes a welcome reception, three nights’ stay at Holiday Inn Express, three catered meals a day, transportation between the hotel and the TEI facility, 16 hours of training by highly regarded professionals with a ratio of one instructor per every two students, a flash drive with all the information presented, and a certificate of completion.

View more information here.

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