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Stay Informed and Connected with Resources from DFI
Volume 41 Issue 1
Volume 40 Issue 6
Volume 40 Issue 5
Volume 40 Issue 4
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Volume 40 Issue 2
Volume 40 Issue 1
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Volume 39 Issue 4
issue 39-3
Volume 39 Issue 3
Volume 39 Issue 2
pile dynamic analysis test

Stay Informed and Connected with Resources from DFI

steel giant

As DFI and most of its members continue to work remotely, DFI Executive Director Theresa Engler shares more ways for deep foundations professionals to stay connected and involved.

“During these challenging times we continue to offer resources to our members and the deep foundations industry that maintain a sense networking, education, communication and collaboration,” says Engler.  “From webinars to publications to research studies, we encourage everyone to stay involved, informed and connected with the DFI community.”

Following are links to suggested activities for DFI and industry members to stay connected to the DFI community:

Read “COVID-19 Contractual and Legal Considerations,” from the upcoming May/June issue of Deep Foundations

Brian Wood and Daniel McLennon from Smith Currie share important information on the impact of COVID-19 on the construction industry in this timely article slated to run in the May/June issue of Deep Foundations magazine.

Download the DFI Journal Vol. 13, Issue 1

DFI members can download all issues of the DFI Journal since 2007 by signing in to the member portal — MyDFI. The most recent edition of the DFI Journal, Volume 13, Issue 1, is a compilation of great technical papers and interesting case studies. If you not a member, join DFI as an individual member to access an online subscription.

Download the Guide to Support Fluids for Deep Foundations

The free guide published by EFFC and DFI represents the state of the art of support fluid practice and aims to improve existing design, testing and practices for deep foundation elements including bored piles (drilled shafts), barrettes (LBEs) and diaphragm wall panels. A second edition is already planned, which will be based on an extensive field research study (study) that is being funded by EFFC, DFI, contractors, consultants and suppliers. If you are interested in contributing site data for the study, contact Peter Faust, DFI trustee, at [email protected], or Mary Ellen Bruce, DFI director of technical activities, at [email protected].

Participate in the ASCE Kansas City Virtual Geotechnical Conference 2020

This multiday, online conference takes place Friday, Apr. 24 – Thursday, Apr. 30. DFI is a sponsor of the event and Mary Ellen Large, P.E., D. GE, DFI’s director of technical activities, is delivering an update on DFI’s technical activities on Wednesday, Apr. 29, 11:30-11:45. 

Nominate your projects and colleagues for DFI’s 2020 Awards

The deadline has been extended until May 4 for nominations for the Distinguished Service Award (DSA), Outstanding Project Award (OPA) and the C. William Bermingham Innovation Award. The awards are being presented at the DFI 45th Annual Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, Oct.13-16.

Prepare an abstract for the 6th International Conference on Grouting and Deep Mixing, Feb. 13-16, 2022, New Orleans, Louisiana. Abstracts are due May 4.

Attention Students — Apply for Scholarships

If you are (or know) a full-time student in the U.S. pursuing a degree in civil or geotechnical engineering or a related deep foundations curriculum such as construction management, we encourage you to submit applications for At-Large Scholarships and scholarships from the Michael L. Condon Civil Engineering Scholarship Fund. Applications are due May 15.

Apply for DFI’s Women in Deep Foundations Professional Development Grants

DFI is awarding five $1,750 grants for women involved in design and/or construction of deep foundations to attend DFI’s 45th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations in National Harbor, Maryland, Oct. 13-16. Applications are due May 15.

Plan to attend an upcoming webinar

DFI’s Testing & Evaluation Committee’s ITS Money webinar series continues on June 3 and Aug. 5. The webinars demonstrate how foundation testing conducted during the design phase can provide data that optimizes foundation designs and construction procedures, thereby saving money while increasing the quality of the constructed foundation.  They are free for DFI members and government employees; nominal nonmember rate includes DFI individual membership through December 31, 2020. Each provides 1.5 Professional Development Hours (PDHs).

The 2019-20 DFI Traveling Lecturer Willie M. NeSmith, P.E., is delivering his presentation on the Application of Drilled Displacement Elements for Liquefication Mitigation and Foundation Improvement as a webinar on June 25 at 4:00 pm PST.

Read the eNewsletter from DFI’s Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers Committee

The Spotlight newsletters are organized by DFI’s MSSP Committee in an effort to inform the industry of the latest products and services provided by DFI Corporate Member companies. We encourage you to learn more about these companies and the solutions they provide which you may find useful on your next project. Also, the committee has been showcasing various member companies during the DFI Annual Conferences since 2017 during the MSSP Expo Sessions. Now you can download and view the PowerPoint files for all presentations provided. View Now!

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