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ShibataFenderTeam Has Delivered Highly Engineered Fender Wall to Corpus Christi, TX
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ShibataFenderTeam Has Delivered Highly Engineered Fender Wall to Corpus Christi, TX

ShibataFenderTeam has delivered highly engineered fender wall to Corpus Christi, TX

ShibataFenderTeam has delivered highly engineered fender wall to Corpus Christi, TX

Corpus Christi is a port city in Texas, USA. In 2018, the joint venture “Gulf Coast Growth Ventures, LLC,” or GCGV, consisting of ExxonMobil and SABIC, launched a multi-billion dollar project for the Corpus Christi region; the construction of a plastics manufacturing plant in San Patricio County. Together, the companies have an extensive expertise in petrochemicals. The new manufacturing plant includes three ethylene derivative units. One unit is used for the production of monoethylene glycol, which is used in latex paints, antifreeze for cars or for the production of various plastics. The other two units produce polyethylene (PE), which is used for packaging, bottles, containers and other products.

The newly constructed berth consists of a barge dock and a multipurpose docking facility. Since Corpus Christi is susceptible to hurricanes and harsh weather conditions, a suitable fender system was needed. The decision fell on long and heavy duty fender walls with incorporated cleats which were designed to accommodate large Ro-Ro, Lo-Lo and bulk carriers.

ShibataFenderTeam has delivered highly engineered fender wall to Corpus Christi, TX

The barge dock is equipped with a 41 m (135 ft) long fender wall system consisting of 9 pieces of CSS 1600 Cell Fenders and 5 steel panels. An even longer fender wall system is installed at the multi-purpose dock. In total, the fender wall measures 80 m (262 ft). It consists of 17 pieces of CSS 1600 Cell Fenders and 9 steel panels. In addition, 4 sets of CSS 1600 Cell Fender systems are installed on breasting dolphins.

ShibataFenderTeam would like to thank Wood/Amec Foster Wheeler for entrusting us with the design and delivery for such an interesting project. SFT’s American office was contracted in October 2018 and the last parts of the equipment were installed in December 2019. The project was an important economic investment and will generate future economic growth in Texas. GCGV focused on working with local vendors and contractors with the goal of creating thousands of jobs, generating economic growth in the region and improving the quality of life.

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