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ShibataFenderTeam Supplied 34 Cell Fender Systems for Contecon Terminal in Guayaquil, Ecuador
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Volume 39 Issue 6
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Issue 39-1 - Jan/Feb 2023
Volume 39 Issue 1

ShibataFenderTeam Supplied 34 Cell Fender Systems for Contecon Terminal in Guayaquil, Ecuador

The Libertador Simón Bolivar Container and Multipurpose Terminal, located in the Port of Guayaquil, is the largest and most comprehensive terminal in Ecuador. Operated by Contecon Guayaquil SA (Group ICTSI), the terminal plays an essential role in supporting the export economy of the country. In 2019 it faced its most important challenge: adapt the infrastructure to maximize its operational capacities and receive larger vessels.

Improvement works included dredging and deepening, however, in order to dredge without affecting the foundation of the pier structure, it was necessary to install a submerged combi wall to retain the strength of the pier foundation despite the deepening works . At this point, Contecon contacted ShibataFenderTeam to protect this new infrastructure.

Our team of experienced and highly skilled engineers at SFT’s American office, analyzed every condition in detail and delivered the solution that was both ideal for the client and for the required conditions at the terminal: CSS Cell Fender Systems with steel spacers to provide sufficient clearance between the vessels and the submerged combi wall.

Between 2019 and 2021, with two separate contracts, SFT delivered in total 34 CSS Cell Fender Systems: 32 CSS 1250 including steel spacers, 2 Double CSS 800 and 52 steel spacers for existing fenders. Each took 4 months to produce and deliver, and although the second order was impacted by a complicated freight situation, SFT’s logistic team managed to secure shipping space and overcame the bottle neck created by the Pandemic and to deliver on time.

The refurbished terminal now has a depth of 12.5 meters and is capable of receiving Neopanamax vessels, opening a new era in the country’s connectivity with the rest of the world.

ShibataFenderTeam are proud to have contributed to the protection and increase of the service life of their marine infrastructures, following our sustainability approach to fender design. ShibataFenderTeam would like to thank Contecon for partnering with us in this project and look forward to working with them again in the future.

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