Rules for Driving/Extracting Piles
February 15, 2018

- Never stand under foundation equipment.
- Start with piles in good condition.
- Put all clamp teeth in contact with pile.
- Drive in steps eight feet or less.
- Keep sheets plumb.
- Come up to speed before doing work.
- No dancing – avoid densification.
- Drive past obstacles and then go back.
- Backhoe on site to remove obstacles.
- Lead with the ball of the sheet pile.
- Probe the pile if it appears stuck.
- Never rush the sheet pile foreman.
- Slow and plumb and the job will get done.
- Melted inner locks = piles out of plumb.
- Low clamp pressure means jaw failures.
- Wait for vibro to get to full speed then pull.
- Don’t over excavate – lower the ring.
- Look at the jaws during driving.
- Beware of cracked or broken sheets.
- In sandy soils drive faster.
- In clay amplitude is everything.
- Low drive pressure means easy work.
- High pressure means friction on piles.
- Over 4500 psi means bigger hammer needed.
- No amplitude means bigger hammer needed.
- Caissons need heavy wall to avoid flex.
- Check clamp bolts each morning.
- Read the manual – know your machine.
- Attach whip line to pile when pulling.
- Know your line pull.
- Extract straight – look at boom and cable.
- Give boom stops some room.
- Stalled engine means dirty fuel filters.
- Never stand under foundation equipment.