Hawthorne, N.J.: Registration is open for SuperPile ’23, a piling design and construction conference hosted by DFI in partnership with ADSC. The annual SuperPile conference is taking place at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis on June 7-9.
This three-day event includes presentations and panel discussions on the latest developments in piling foundations, highlighting design approaches for foundation optimization, innovative approaches to foundation construction, as well as case studies and topics relevant to the Southeast region.
Day one opens with a keynote lecture, “Georgia Geology and Deep Foundation History,” being delivered by Willie NeSmith, P.E., of Berkel & Company Contractors. The lecture is followed by award lectures and invited speakers featuring presentation of the Osterberg Memorial Lecture. There are also sessions on “super” innovations and electric power and decarbonization.
Day two is dedicated to parallel sessions on piling technology as well as testing and evaluation.
Other conference highlights include DFI technical committee meetings; exhibits featuring more than 75 manufacturers, suppliers and service providers; and the Women in Deep Foundations (WiDF) networking reception.
Visit the website at www.dfi.org/SuperPile2023 to register as an attendee, exhibitor or sponsor.