Registration Open for the DFI 43rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations

Hawthorne, NJ: Registration is open for the DFI 43rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, October 24-27, 2017, at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim, Calif.
The theme of the conference is Mastering the Challenge: Engineering for Complex Loading Conditions in the 21st Century. The conference features technical presentations on innovations and advancements that address performance-based design and construction of deep foundations subjected to increasingly challenging structural demands. The event is an international forum for a wide range of geoprofessionals to present, discuss and debate all aspects of assessment, development, design and mitigation for complex loading conditions in the 21st century. Several panel discussions led by invited specialists are planned to examine pressing issues in foundation industry practices.
Presentation topics include:
- Risk Assessment and Mitigation
- Lessons Learned (Case Histories/ Innovations/Forensic Work)
- Seismic Design/Soil Structure Interaction/Lateral Loading
- Performance-Based Deep Foundation Design
- Ground Improvement
- Innovation Techniques for Earth Retention and Stabilization
- Advancements in Instrumentation and Monitoring
- Analysis, Design and Construction for Extreme Events
- Mega-Projects (Projected Work/Risk Mitigation/Contractual Aspects)
- Constructability Issues and Design Aspects
- Other Deep Foundations-Related Topics
The conference also includes meetings of DFI’s Board of Trustees and Committee Chairs on Tuesday, October 23, followed by meetings of the Technical Committees and Working Groups on Wednesday, October 24. Thursday through Saturday, October 25-27, includes technical sessions, special lectures, networking lunches and receptions, more than 150 exhibitor displays, the Hal Hunt Lecture on Communications, the DFI Awards Reception and Banquet and a companions’ program.
The event is expected to draw more than 1,000 engineers, contractors, government agency representatives, suppliers, manufacturers and academics involved in the deep foundations industry from around the world to share experiences, exchange ideas and learn about the current state of the practice.
Register at