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Protal Coal Tar Epoxies
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Protal Coal Tar Epoxies

foundations saving
Sheet Piles fully protected from corrosion with Protal 600 CTE ready to be installed in a saltwater environment.

The Denso® North America line of self-priming sprayed applied coal tar epoxies and a coal tar epoxy alternative is used for the long-term corrosion protection of steel and concrete substrates against water, wastewater, seawater, alkaline water and acidic water corrosion. These high build two-part epoxies are designed to work in conjunction with cathodic protection and prevent corrosion to coat steel piles, sheet piles, lock gates, reservoirs, non-potable water pipelines, treatment / storage tanks, bridges and many other aggressive industrial applications against corrosion.

Protal 600 CTE (Coal Tar Epoxy) is a two-part high build (up to 26 mils WFT in one coat) coal tar epoxy, that can applied as a single or two-coat system. It is a polyamide with excellent abrasion and chemical resistance that exceeds Corp of Engineers C-200, C200a and AWWA C-210 standards for exterior.

The Denso epoxy coal tars can easily be sprayed applied and achieve a high build coat (16 to 25 mils WFT) with just one coat.

Protal 600 CTE Low VOC is a two-part high build (up to 25 mils WFT in one coat) coal tar epoxy that has low VOC’s (0.4 lbs/gal). It can be applied as a single or two-coat system. It is a polyamide with excellent abrasion and chemical resistance that exceeds Corp of Engineers C-200, C200a and AWWA C-210 standards for exterior.

Protal 650 CTR is an environmentally friendly non-carcinogenic coal tar epoxy replacement, when projects specs prohibit the use of coal tar epoxies. It can easily be applied by brush or spray method at a high build of 16 to 26 mils in one coat. It also provides excellent resistance to water and seawater while providing good impact resistance as well.

Denso North America has always been a leader and innovator in corrosion prevention since 1883 and this same spirit holds true to the Coal Tar Epoxy products that provide corrosion prevention that engineers, contractors and owners have come to trust in protecting their projects. For more information in regards to how Denso North America Coal Tar Epoxies can help prevent corrosion for your next projects, you may contact Denso North America at 1 281-821-3355 or visit us online at

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