Coastal Protection (PDF Download)


With today’s problems surrounding shoreline protection, this book should be of great assistance. Coastal Protection compiles 2 Navy and 2 Corps manuals to help discuss the subject of coastal protection and the effects tidal action has on our shorelines.

1992 (Approx. 300 pages)

SKU: 000004 Category:


The titles discussed in the Coastal Protection Book are:

Coastal Protection

This U.S. Navy publication deals specifically with waves and their characteristics. Wave forces are the principal loads imposed on most coastal structures. In order to prepare safe designs, the normal and extreme waves, which will act against the structure, must be evaluated so that a design wave can be selected. This manual takes the user through this phase from the application of data to actual design of breakwaters and seawalls. The text is well illustrated with drawings and sample problems.

Coastal Sedimentation and Dredging

This section is a subject from the Navy Facilities Engineering Command guide manual. Littoral transport of soil is the principal natural cause for shoaling in harbors and channels. This text examines this process, provides methods for estimating transport rates and offers various control methods.

Tidal Hydraulics

This section discusses questions of tidal hydraulics and its influence on salinity, sedimentation, water quality, shore protection and other environmental considerations. The discussion is illustrated by a number of excellent case histories.

Storm Surge Analysis

High tides and wind-generated waves combine to provide a potential for abnormally high water levels and flooding during hurricanes or other serious storms. An understanding of this phenomena is essential in order to plan control structures or design others. This chapter discusses methods for predicting storm surge affects and offers criteria for design water level determinations.