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Prediction of Pile Load-Movement Response and Assessment of Pile Capacity at the ISSMGE TC212 Bolivian Experimental Site for Testing (B.E.S.T.)
Volume 41 Issue 1
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issue 39-3
Volume 39 Issue 3
Volume 39 Issue 2
pile dynamic analysis test

Prediction of Pile Load-Movement Response and Assessment of Pile Capacity at the ISSMGE TC212 Bolivian Experimental Site for Testing (B.E.S.T.)

Organized in connection with the Third Bolivian International Conference on Deep Foundations

Deadline – February 28, 2017

Bengt H. Fellenius is organizing an international Prediction Event in connection with forthcoming 3rd CFPB in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in April comprising a series of static pile loading tests at the ISSMGE B.E.S.T. site. Four single piles of the same embedment length, 9.5 m, are tested. The piles differ in width and type: a 620-mm bored pile, a 450-mm CFA-pile, a 450-mm FDP pile, and a 220-mm FDP pile. The latter has an expander base at the pile toe that is inflated to 300-mm diameter after the pile is constructed. The soil profile consists of a silty compact sand and has been explored using conventional boreholes (SPT) with lab tests, CPTU-soundings, Pressure meter test, and Dilatometer tests. People interested in submitting predictions on the pile-head load-movement curves and capacity for each test will receive a Prediction Package that will contain all necessary soil and pile information. A loading test will also be carried out on a pile group consisting of thirteen 220-mm diameter FDP piles at 3 diameter c/c joined with a rigid pile cap. The load distribution in the individual piles will be determined. For this group, the participants are asked to predict the response of the center pile and a corner pile.

The prediction effort is a part of a large field study involving instrumentation, head-down and bidirectional tests, and dynamic tests to demonstrate the state-of-the art and practice of analysis of the response and design of single piles and pile groups with regard to settlement and load distribution.

Details of the site, tests, and prediction submissions are available in this Invitation.

Individuals can register intent to submit a prediction online.

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