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Pile Dynamics Releases Complimentary Update of GRLWEAP Program
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pile dynamic analysis test

Pile Dynamics Releases Complimentary Update of GRLWEAP Program


grlweap 2010 6GRLWEAP – Wave Equation Analysis of Piles – is the most widely used software for the simulation of the pile driving process and for establishing the driving criterion. For each assumed pile capacity, it calculates the corresponding driving resistance (blow count) and stresses during driving. It also helps check the adequacy of pile driving equipment. GRLWEAP is also helpful for designing dynamic load tests on drilled foundations. The program is taught in advanced foundation engineering courses around the globe.

A key feature of GRLWEAP is its database of almost 1000 pre-programmed pile driving hammers. Pile Dynamics recently performed a major update of the database, working closely with hammer manufacturers to incorporate the latest information on efficiency and other important characteristics.

The latest database is part of GRLWEAP 2010-6, which includes other improvements to the software and help functions as well. The upgrade to version 2010-6 is complimentary for those with licenses of GRLWEAP-2010 (either standard or Offshore Wave versions).

A detailed description of the upgrade, and the maintenance upgrade itself, are available on All users are encouraged to use the latest version of this software.

In addition to the GRLWEAP software program Pile Dynamics produces several other quality assurance and quality control products for the deep foundations industry. The company is located in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, and has commercial representatives in all continents. For more information visit

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