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issue 39-3
Volume 39 Issue 3
Volume 39 Issue 2
pile dynamic analysis test

Pile Driving Solutions Inc. Introduces the Vibratory Damper to the Crane Market


Damper high resolution photoPile Driving Solutions Inc. is able to present the only certified damper/isolator for the purpose of absorbing the vibration from a vibratory hammer and the damage that these hammers put on cranes. Pile Driving Solutions Inc. became the official distributor of the Tunkers Vibratory Damper in January 2015. This product now allows the use of hydraulic cranes to be used for vibratory hammer work with little to no impact on the crane. It provides extended protection to all cranes from the vibration put out by the hammers.

The damper minimizes most vibration to the crane due to the vibration put out by vibratory hammers. It maximizes the safety of the crane work being done, provides little to no maintenance, minimal set up, decreases extraction time, and has a potential ten year life expectancy based on the number of hours it’s used.

The damper can be used on all model cranes. Manufacturers like Liebherr require that dampers or isolators be used when vibratory hammers are placed on LR model cranes.

“The damper is engineered to absorb the vibration from the vibratory hammers, help job run smoother, reduce downtime and provide more safety for the type of operations. I’ve been around cranes my whole life and the damper by far is the best investment you can make to protect your cranes from the vibration put on them. This has opened up a new market for crane rental companies and I had been looking for this solution for over 25 years.”– Jay Mooncotch, Owner of Pile Driving Solutions Inc.

Pile Driving Solutions introduced their new product at the SC&RA (Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association) Annual Conference in Carlsbad, California. The damper on display was sold to a crane company that day after learning about the added benefits and cost saving opportunities to protect their crane. Since then, additional dampers have been sold all across the United States.

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