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PDI to Offer One Day Workshops on Quality Control of Deep Foundations
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pile dynamic analysis test

PDI to Offer One Day Workshops on Quality Control of Deep Foundations

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Pile Dynamics, Inc, (PDI) has committed to an educational effort in the Quality Control of Deep Foundations for 2018. We are hosting One Day Workshops throughout the US and Canada to review the importance and benefits of Deep Foundation testing from pre-installation to post- installation, including the economics and codes involved.

These One Day Workshops will be held in 18 cities within the next 10 months in an effort to reach the majority of major markets. Each attendee receives 6.5 PDHs for the day’s event, and the opportunity to take the PDCA/PDA Dynamic Measurement and Analysis Proficiency Test will be offered in most cities.

Each One Day Workshop is limited to the first 30 registrants and has been met with great demand. The initial Workshop was held in Baltimore, MD in late October, 2017. It is with the success of that workshop that the demand to host various dates nation-wide came to be.

“Just checking in to relate that this workshop was excellent. George, Garland and Ryan were great. Their respective presentations were very informative as was their response to the many questions. Their answers were often shared by all presenters, and were sprinkled with related incidents and anecdotal references…often with some sophisticated humor. They were at ease with the topics and attendees, which to me, indicated they are truly experts in their field…This workshop had a great value and was very professionally presented! Thank you!” – David W. Patterson, PE, PLS, Sec., Susquehanna Supply Co., Inc.

George Piscsalko, PDI’s president, Ryan Allin, Senior Engineer, and guest appearances by Garland Likins, President Emeritus and Senior Consultant, will be conducting the majority of the workshops and discussions. The first series of One Day Workshops for 2018 include the cities of Houston, San Antonio and Dallas, TX beginning Tuesday, January 30, 2018. Act fast to secure your spot. Register today!


A complete list of dates, locations and markets can be viewed at workshops.

Pile Dynamics, Inc. is the industry leading manufacturer of quality assurance products for the Deep Foundations Industry. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, PDI supplies testing instrumentation globally. For more information visit

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