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PDCA NE Pile Driving Professionals Developmental Course
Volume 41 Issue 1
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Volume 40 Issue 5
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Volume 40 Issue 2
Volume 40 Issue 1
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Volume 39 Issue 5
Volume 39 Issue 4
issue 39-3
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pile dynamic analysis test

PDCA NE Pile Driving Professionals Developmental Course


The February 17th PDCA NE Pile Driving Professionals Developmental Course was a huge success. Sixty- three participants forged thru morning snow and ice to attend this full day educational seminar. This course , offered free to members of both PDCA National and PDCA NE, included an introduction to  the pile driving profession , communication, pile driving aspects , safety , units of measurement /conversion factors, project management , hammer components , geotechnical aspects and much more. Buck Darling, Herbert F. Darling, Inc. and Pat Hannigan , GRL Engineers ,Inc. did a masterful job in expounding on these topics and answering  questions from the attendees. Eight professional developments hours were offered to those from NJ, NY and PA.

A special thank you to Tom Hardell and his team from George Harms Construction Co. for sponsoring this event and making their training room available. The catered breakfast and lunch was also much appreciated by all.

PDCA NE has a full year planned of events and activities to educate and broaden the knowledge of our members. Come join us !!

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