New Event from DFI for Helical Piles, Tiebacks, and Anchors

Event Overview
Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) and Helical Pile World (HPW) are teaming up to showcase the helical pile and tieback industry’s dedication to producing high-quality, safe, reliable and cost-effective foundation solutions for a variety of foundation and utility application challenges. This first-of-its-kind event will include a structured technical program, an outdoor equipment exhibition, and live installation demonstrations that highlight the products, resources and expertise used to design, install, and test helical pile and anchor elements for structural support and earth retention applications. Here is what else you can expect:
- Review on-site soils information to define design parameters
- Learn fundamental design procedures used to estimate capacity
- Learn proper construction and inspection methods for safe installation of small- to large-diameter helical piles and anchors
- See load test set-ups for compression (static and dynamic compression, tension and lateral load tests)
- Observe as load tests are conducted and compare design values, capacity- to-torque predictions and actual load test results
- Visit with the exhibitors to learn about the latest innovations in installation and testing equipment and services
Who Should Attend?
Contractors, engineers, building officials, utility and transportation professionals, civil engineering professors and students are encouraged to attend. Helical pile and anchor manufacturers and distributors, installation contractors and equipment manufacturers, pile testing service companies, and engineering service companies are encouraged to exhibit and showcase their services and products.