New Drainage System for SFWMD Culvert Replacement

Revitalize canal infrastructure with L8 Dupuis Culvert Replacement and optimized drainage to significantly prolong the lifespan of the newly installed culvert.
Drainage Dillema
In the challenging landscape of the L-8 Canal in Canal Point, Florida, the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) embarked on a crucial project named “L8 Dupuis Culvert Replacement.” This initiative aimed to address the deteriorating state of the G- 261, G-262, and G-263 Structures, which comprised of metal culverts running through a federal levee.
The structures, having weathered the test of time, exhibited signs of decay that necessitated removal and replacement of the metal culverts. CES Consultants took charge as the project’s engineering force, collaborating with the Ebsary Foundation, the chosen contractor for the extensive culvert replacements.
Installing drainage systems in Round Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts is challenging due to the difficulty of creating an effective contact and seal with the culvert’s corrugated wall. To address this, 26 JET Filter units were installed in the concrete headwalls at both ends of the culvert to facilitate drainage. These filters are recognized for their ease of installation in both new and existing structures, offering a maintainable solution that significantly extends the life and performance of the culvert. Moreover, the JET Filter system is adept at efficiently relieving hydrostatic pressure without compromising the integrity of the soils behind the wall, a critical aspect for maintaining infrastructure stability and longevity.
This initiative, located in a secluded area east of Lake Okeechobee, is part of the SFWMD’s strategy to provide smarter, long-term solutions for maintaining their costly infrastructure. By focusing on preserving taxpayer funds while achieving optimal results, the project exemplifies a forward-thinking approach to infrastructure management, setting a new benchmark for effective and efficient stewardship of public resources.
At a Glance
Project Location: Canal Point, FL
Owner: South Florida Water Management District
Engineer: CES Consultants
Contractor: Ebsary Foundation
- Revitalized Canal Infrastructure
- 26 units of 4” diameter open-end ASTM 316/316L Stainless Steel Housing and Mirafi® Filter-weave FW 300 were installed
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