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MKT’s Unmatchable, Hardest Working, Nearly Indestructible Air Hammer Line
Volume 41 Issue 1
Volume 40 Issue 6
Volume 40 Issue 5
Volume 40 Issue 4
Volume 40 Issue 3
Volume 40 Issue 2
Volume 40 Issue 1
Volume 39 Issue 6
Volume 39 Issue 5
Volume 39 Issue 4
issue 39-3
Volume 39 Issue 3
Volume 39 Issue 2
pile dynamic analysis test

MKT’s Unmatchable, Hardest Working, Nearly Indestructible Air Hammer Line

MKT is relaunching its unmatchable, hardest working, nearly indestructible Air Hammer line. The hammers will be manufactured using 21st technologies to reduce cost and lead times. The same air reliable air hammers you’ve come to know and love modernized and brought to the 21st century. These hammers are high production hammers with blow counts up to 300 blows per minute. They are great for costal timber projects, small pipe pile and H-pile, as well as solar pile installation. Along with standard pile driving these air hammers are for a variety of other application such as horizontal pipe installation, rock quarry applications with added chisel point, knocking ingots out of molds in steel mills, and soil compaction just to name a few.

If you are interested in learning more about MKT’s air hammer line please feel free to reach out at 314(388)-2254 or

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