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ISM 2017: Micropiles Resisting and Remediating the Effects of Mother Nature
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Volume 40 Issue 1
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issue 39-3
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Volume 39 Issue 2
pile dynamic analysis test

ISM 2017: Micropiles Resisting and Remediating the Effects of Mother Nature

types of civil foundations



March 29 – April 01, 2017
The Fairmont Waterfront • Vancouver, BC, Canada

The International Society for Micropiles (ISM), in alliance with ADSC and DFI, will host its 13th workshop. This three-day technical program will include presentations on all aspects of micropile technology worldwide, including advancements in materials, design and construction methods, innovative case histories, and research and development. As in past workshops, a full social program for delegates and companions is planned.

Please join us for three days of camaraderie, innovation, and education. Whether you have been to every IWM since 1997 or this would be your first, we look forward to seeing each of you to share past experiences. If you are new to the Micropile industry, you will not find a better place to learn about what has been accomplished with micropiles and what is being developed for future challenges.

Highlights include:

• Presentations by industry leaders

• Technical sessions on micropile research, design and construction issues

• Networking opportunities with micropile practitioners from around the world

• 9th Lizzi Lecture: Loading Effects on Battered Micropiles: Are Most Pile Caps Designed Correctly? delivered by John Wolosick, P.E., D.GE, Hayward Baker, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia

• 7th Lizzi Scholarship presentation and award

• 2nd World Cup of Micropiles Challenge – different regions of the world will showcase their top Micropile projects and the top project will be selected by the delegates

See you in Vancouver!

Click here to view more information.

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