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INTERVIEW: Schuyler Companies
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Volume 39 Issue 3
Volume 39 Issue 2

INTERVIEW: Schuyler Companies

Pile Buck’s interview with Schuyler Companies, the leader in the marine fender business primarily serving the inland river operations industry. This includes all types of vessel fenders, as well as a unique array of dock fender solutions geared towards the tough barge berthing environment. Schuyler fenders are specifically designed and crafted to be extremely durable under harsh marine conditions.

PB: What different types of dock fenders does Schuyler offer? For what applications? 

S: Schuyler provides a wide range of dock fendering solutions.  This includes both molded rubber types and laminated types.  Our fenders are perfect for docks that are mooring and berthing small vessels and barges.  The laminated models provide superior durability and can curve and wrap around any surface.  This makes them ideal for wrapping monopiles and protecting corners.  The molded rubber types provide additional energy absorbing capabilities.

Schuyler vessel fender

PB: And you offer vessel fenders as well? 

S: We do. The laminated fenders we manufacture in Broussard, LA have become the fender of choice for push boats transporting barges up and down our nation’s waterways.  Both the molded rubber and laminated fender types are used on most of the tug boats operating in North America.

PB: What material(s) are most of Schuyler’s fenders made from?

S: The molded rubber type fenders are made from rubber molded or extruded into various shapes and sizes. The laminated type fenders are made from 100% recycled truck tires stacked on a steel framing.  The laminated system is 100% sourced and manufactured in the USA.

Schuyler pipe pile fender

PB: Why do Schuyler fenders perform better than the others on the market? 

S: Schuyler spends a great deal of time and effort ensuring that our vendors and suppliers provide high quality materials.  This is especially important in the production of laminated fenders.  In sourcing waste tires to use for our fender, we constantly monitor the quality of the tires we receive and reject any tire that do not meet our high quality standards.  Additionally, Schuyler invests in its people.  We are only as good as our designers, welders, and laborers make us.  Schuyler demands a high level of quality, and we do everything we can to keep those with the skill, work ethic, and integrity to meet this demand day in and day out.

PB: What would you say is your most popular fender and application? 

S: Our laminated fenders are almost universally used for push boats.  Additionally, our laminated pile wrap fenders are extremely popular, especially in the Gulf Coast region.


PB: Do you have any advice regarding the general use of fenders and their application? Any common mistakes that you’ve seen over the years? 

S: In general, I would say that every dock or vessel is unique with its own specific operational requirements and design challenges.  Of course, there are general rules and accepted norms.  However, it is important that, when you are planning a project, you enlist the help of an experienced fender expert, like those that Schuyler employs.  These experts can help identify and overcome the design challenges of your unique application.  It is never too early to seek out the help of an expert.  In doing so you will ensure that the fenders are safe, functional, and as durable as possible.

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