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INTERVIEW: ECA (Equipment Corporation of America)
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Volume 39 Issue 2

INTERVIEW: ECA (Equipment Corporation of America)

Pile Buck’s interview with ECA—a leading supplier of drilling, pile driving, hoisting and rigging, slurry cutting, soil mixing and soil stabilization equipment for the deep foundations industry.

PB: ECA’s core business is sales and rentals, yes?

ECA: We are proud to distribute the industry’s most advanced and reliable foundation construction equipment for virtually every conceivable application, from the most respected manufacturers including BAUER, Klemm, RTG, Pileco, Dawson, HPSI, WORD International, Betek, MAT, ALLU, Digga and Pile Master—all to ensure you can count on us to be your one-stop source for your every project need.

PB: What’s an example of the type of equipment offered through ECA?

ECA: Let’s start with the BAUER Group. Bauer offers an extensive range of machinery, equipment and tools for specialty foundation engineering and mining. BAUER is highly regarded for the performance, quality and continuous innovation of its specialized foundation engineering equipment.

PB: What type of BAUER equipment does ECA sell?

ECA: Bauer and its subsidiaries manufacture rotary drilling rigs, anchor drilling equipment, trench cutters, pile driving equipment, deep drilling rigs, geothermal drilling rigs and mixing plants.  One example is the BAUER BG 28 H BT 75 drilling rig. 

PB: What are the specs on that BAUER drilling rig?

ECA: The BAUER BG 28 H BT 75 drilling rig has a drilling diameter 2,500 mm and drilling depth of 65.7 m with 354kw of engine power. You can find full specs on our website.

PB: ECA also sells high-quality used equipment.

ECA: That’s right. Any used equipment is thoroughly serviced and inspected to ensure it functions as expected and meets our highest standard of quality before resale. Your peace of mind is our number one priority.

PB: Where do you post used equipment for sale?

ECA: You can search equipment for sale on our website. If you’re not finding what you need, you can call to speak with an ECA Specialist about our latest inventory at 1-800-PILE-USA. You can also submit a request through our website.

ECA’s Toronto location

PB: ECA offers parts and service as well.

ECA: With an extensive inventory of spare parts and accessories for each line of equipment we represent, we back every piece of equipment with expert service and technical support.

PB: Another key part of the ECA business is training, yes?

ECA: As foundation construction equipment and technologies continue to advance at a fast pace, the need for high quality education and training is more important than ever. ECA recognized the only way to keep up with the advancing technologies was to develop our own ‘in-house’ training capabilities.

PB: Are you BAUER certified?

ECA: ECA has developed in house trainers and has achieved the status as a BAUER Certified Training Partner. Our field experienced instructors are qualified to teach and certify both operators and technicians in several different BAUER training programs.

PB: How about NCCCO practical training?

ECA: In addition to our BAUER certifications, ECA is one of the first companies to have a staff member certified to offer National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) practical training and conduct certification examinations for both foundation drill rigs (FDR) as well as anchor/micro-pile drill rigs (AMP).

PB: We understand ECA opened a new training center.

ECA: The new ECA Training Center at our Jacksonville, FL branch is now open to support the industries growing training needs. The ECA Training Center is the leading NCCCO FDR/AMP Practical Exam host site for operators to obtain their certification.

PB: What’s involved in operator training?

ECA: We offer both theoretical and practical training. Trainees will learn the functions and operations of modern equipment. With a curriculum that offers an emphasis on safety, operators will learn and deepen their knowledge of equipment operation and technology. Resulting in improved operational efficiency, a heightened safety awareness and enhanced productivity. Also, this operators training meets the Safety Ministry standards for Canada.

PB: Please tell us more about the BAUER Technical Training Program.

ECA: The BAUER Technical Training Program provides both a classroom environment and hands on experience. Students will learn the technical knowledge in the principals and functions of electrical and hydraulic systems. With courses ranging from focus on circuits and components to advanced CAN bus and extended troubleshooting, we help technicians expand their abilities on modern equipment.

PB: ECA offers project consultation, yes?

ECA: ECA has qualified engineers on hand to help support your project to a successful completion. From initial project consultations through the various stages of your projects, our expert engineers are just a phone call away to help you determine or fine-tune strategies, and work through unanticipated issues involving specific equipment or work-site conditions. Whatever the situation, we’re here to make sure you succeed.

PB: In what types of projects does ECA specialize?

ECA: Over the past 100 years, ECA has partnered with customers on projects in virtually every industry sector. During that time, there is little we have not encountered in terms of project types, working environments, soil and rock conditions, and the unique challenges each project presented.

BAUER BG20H drilling secant piles in Richmond, VA.

PB: What are some of the renowned projects ECA has consulted on?

ECA: From the Tappan Zee Bridge to Ground Zero, Toronto’s Crosstown Light Rail to interchanges along I-95, “The Big Dig” to post-Hurricane Sandy restoration, we’ve seen it all. Our participation in these and many other diverse projects is yet another critical differentiator that contributes to the ECA advantage in the deep foundation industry.

PB: Is ECA looking to hire?

ECA: Founded in 1918, Equipment Corporation of America has a long and distinguished history of having the best employees in our industry. This well-earned reputation is only made possible by the dedicated, hardworking employees of the past and the continued commitment by the company and our current employees. With employees, in the US and Canada, located at eight branch offices and three remote sales offices, ECA continues to search for the best employees in our industry.

PB: How can prospective employees apply?

ECA: Visit our website to find open positions and apply.

PB: What else do you want our readers to know about ECA?

ECA: That we are the deep foundation industry’s premier provider of the world’s most advanced, innovative, and reliable drilling, pile driving, hoisting and rigging, slurry cutting, soil mixing and soil stabilization equipment. Over the past 100 years, we have demonstrated our unrivaled product knowledge, and ultra-responsive service and support, by meeting and exceeding our customers’ expectations every day.

What is Equipment Corporation of America (ECA)?

Equipment Corporation of America (ECA) is a leading distributor of foundation construction equipment. They have been providing superior quality equipment and service to the deep foundation industry since 1918. ECA offers a broad range of products, including pile driving equipment, drilling rigs, and more.

What sets ECA apart from other equipment providers?

ECA sets itself apart through its commitment to delivering high-quality equipment and exceptional customer service. The company maintains a comprehensive inventory of products to meet diverse construction needs. Additionally, ECA offers extensive after-sales support, including parts, service, and training, ensuring their customers achieve optimal performance and longevity from their equipment.

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