Volume 41 Issue 1
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Volume 40 Issue 1
Volume 39 Issue 6
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Volume 39 Issue 4
issue 39-3
Volume 39 Issue 3
Volume 39 Issue 2

Worried About Retaining Wall Failure?

foundation drilling equipment

Why do retaining walls fail? 

Lack of proper drainage is the most common cause of retaining wall failure. Drainage and soil filtration are vital to designing walls and maximizing their service life. Retaining wall drainage systems serve two functions.  First, they drain the water (hydrostatic) pressure from behind the wall and, second, they stop soil from eroding through the drains (soil filtration).  When drainage systems clog and fail, excessive water (hydrostatic) pressures builds up on the retaining wall. Eventually, the retaining wall will show signs of distress. Maintainable Weep Hole Filters are the perfect solution.

Water always Wins: 

Water always seeks the easiest path to flow.  Therefore, drainage systems must always be the “easiest path”. Traditional retaining wall drainage systems are installed behind the wall, buried under the soil.  Over time, drainage performance decreases as soil particles begin to clog the filter fabric.  Once clogged, the drainage system stops being the “easiest path”. At this point, water will find another path or backup behind the wall. Fixing failed drainage systems buried behind the wall require costly excavation.

What are Maintainable Weep Hole Filters? 

Maintainable Weep Hole Filters by JET Filter System provide drainage and soil filtration. Installed through the front of any new or existing retaining wall, Maintainable Weep Hole Filters help prevent failure as they reduce water pressure and prevent soil loss. Most importantly, Maintainable Weep Hole Filters are always easily maintained, they can extend the life of your valuable investment.

Weep Hole Filters can be installed on seawalls, bulkheads, bridge abutments, wing walls, stormwater channels, box culverts, dam spillways and even underground parking garages. They are the perfect solution for concrete walls, all types of sheet pile (steel, vinyl, aluminum, composite, etc), MSE walls and even wooden walls.

The solution. 

Earth Retaining Structures (ERS) are failing daily due to clogged or insufficient drainage systems. JET Filter System will help protect your investment and avoid costly repairs.

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