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Webinar: Nucor SteelMaking 103: How Steel Beams are Made
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Webinar: Nucor SteelMaking 103: How Steel Beams are Made

Join Nucor Energy Solutions February 7 at 2 p.m. ET as they continue the Steelmaking series in 2023. We will explore the steps of production for steel beams and discuss steel grades used in the energy market and additional grades that could be used to innovate your design.

This webinar will include a live 30-minute technical presentation, followed by an open Q&A session. Register today to learn about best practices for implementing steel beams into your next project.

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Emma Summers
Beam Mill Metallurgist
Nucor Steel Berkeley

Emma Summers has a metallurgical background. She has worked at Nucor Steel Berkeley as a metallurgist in the beam mill since August 2021. Prior to Nucor, she worked as a metallurgical engineer and failure analysis engineer for a testing company working primarily with the aerospace industry.

Emma graduated from Clemson University with a B.S. in Material Science and Engineering.


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