GRL’s Florida Infrastructure Projects

GRL Engineers, Inc. has provided 40+ years of deep foundation testing supporting Florida’s infrastructure with a proven track record of hundreds of successful projects.
GRL Engineers was an integral member of the design/build team behind the $2.3-Billion FDOT’s I-4 Ultimate project with over 100 bridge foundation units tested. GRL engineers provided PDA Dynamic Testing with associated CAPWAP and GRLWEAP analyses and related services.
GRL Engineers was the Dynamic Testing Engineer (DTE) for the 26 bridges on 10.5-miles of new multi-lane limited access toll roadway to State Route 23, part of the First Coast Expressway. Preconstruction GRLWEAP Pile Driveability Study was performed for initial hammer system evaluation. Dynamic Pile Testing and Monitoring were performed using a Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) and results were analyzed with CAPWAP software to establish production piles driving criteria; or 100% PDA testing.
This $118-Million interchange reconfiguration was initiated to create a smoother, more efficient transition for heavy Orlando International airport traffic flow on the Beachline Expressway. GRL Engineers provided GRLWEAP Wave Equation Analysis for pre-construction evaluation, Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) testing during construction, and CAPWAP Data Analysis during installations. The project was completed ahead of schedule, and was recognized with an FTBA award.