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GRL Engineers’ Mohamad Hussein Has Been Awarded PDCA’s Presidential Award for Distinguished Service
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pile dynamic analysis test

GRL Engineers’ Mohamad Hussein Has Been Awarded PDCA’s Presidential Award for Distinguished Service


Mohamad H HusseinMohamad Hussein, P.E., Executive Vice President, GRL Engineers, was presented the Presidential Award for Distinguished Service at the Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA) 20th Annual International Conference and Expo on May 18, 2016.  PDCA President, Eric Alberghini and Vice President, Marty Corcoran, recognized Mohamad for his unceasing efforts and dedication to advancing the driven pile industry, as well as his commitment to the PDCA and its members.

Mohamad is Executive Vice President of GRL Engineers and has managed its Florida office since 1987.  In his 30+ years of association with the pioneers of foundation testing and analysis, he has worked on more than 1000 deep foundation projects in 35 states in the USA and in 20 countries worldwide.  He has consulted on more than 300 bridge projects of all sizes in the State of Florida, as well as conducted state-of-the-art research on deep foundations in association with Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Universities.

Mohamad frequently organizes educational courses and seminars on deep foundations, including directing the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Continuing Education Course:  Deep Foundations Design, construction and Quality Control.   He also trains engineers, contractors and the State DOTs on foundation testing and analysis, frequently co-edits conference proceedings and publications, and has 80+ papers, articles, book chapters and presentations on the subject matter.  Mohamad is an active member of many industry organizations and associations in the deep foundations and geotechnical engineering industry.  He has achieved Expert Level on the PDSA/PDI Dynamic Measurement and Analysis Proficiency Test and on the Foundation QA High Strain Dynamic Pile Testing Examination.  Mohamad is a registered professional engineer in the states of Florida, Louisiana, Ohio, Alabama, New Jersey and Mississippi.

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