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GRL Engineers, Inc. Welcome New Engineers in Florida and Illinois
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GRL Engineers, Inc. Welcome New Engineers in Florida and Illinois

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GRL Engineers, Inc. proudly announces the addition of three engineers to its team. Marshall Hagler, P.E. and Hamid Maherinia, P.E. join the GRL Florida office, while Rahul Yadav joins the GRL Illinois office. GRL Engineers was originally founded in Cleveland OH and continues to grow across the country with 12 offices in 11 states. GRL maintains corporate licensure to provide engineering services across all 50 U.S. states, as well as the District of Columbia and five Canadian provinces.

Marshall Hagler is a professional engineer registered in Florida and Alabama and has over 22 years of experience in the field. From 1996 – 2019 Marshall worked for the Florida Department of Transportation where he most recently served as the District Structural Materials Engineer.

Hamid Maherina, also a professional engineer, graduated with his M.S.C.E. from the University of Florida in 2013. After graduation, he worked for CDM Smith as a Civil Engineer, monitoring and managing roadway projects, performing CEI services and collaborating with FDOT project managers.

Rahul Yadav received his undergraduate degree in 2016 and then worked as a geotechnical engineer for RAO Engineering Enterprises before enrolling in the University of Texas-Arlington Program. Rahul graduated with his M.S.C.E. from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2019.

With a variety of skills in Civil Engineering, these new additions all have a promising future with GRL Engineers.

The majority of GRL Engineers hold advanced university degrees in Civil Engineering and are registered professional engineers. To reach any GRL Engineer, visit

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