GRL Engineers, Inc., Announces the Addition of Gamma-Gamma Logging Services

GRL Engineers, Inc, is a professional engineering firm established to provide specialized testing, analysis, and consulting services to the deep foundation industry. GRL’s services range from small specialized testing jobs (such as evaluating unknown foundations) to large-scale projects requiring the monitoring and analysis of hundreds of test piles nationwide.
GRL operates the largest dynamic pile testing firm in the world, as well as an industry leading provider of integrity test methods for deep foundations including thermal integrity profiling, cross-hole sonic logging, low strain integrity testing, and has recently added Gamma-Gamma Logging (GGL) testing.
Gamma-Gamma Logging (GGL) is a non-destructive test method used to assess the concrete integrity of drilled shafts. It is a relatively quick test with no depth restrictions, and is typically performed three to seven days or more after concrete placement.
GGL provides highly repeatable test results, while objectively evaluating integrity and relative concrete quality inside and outside of the reinforcing cage through gamma-density correlation. It identifies locations of potential shaft anomalies through statistical analysis.
GRL engineers report Gamma-Gamma Logging results on a density vs depth plot in accordance with CALTRANS CT-233 test standard.
For additional information on Gamma-Gamma Logging (GGL) or any other of GRL Engineers services please contact [email protected], or visit us at