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Gray Matters Civil Engineering Webinars from Hubbell / CHANCE
Volume 41 Issue 1
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Volume 40 Issue 2
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Volume 39 Issue 5
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issue 39-3
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pile dynamic analysis test

Gray Matters Civil Engineering Webinars from Hubbell / CHANCE

Gray Matters Civil Engineering Webinars from Hubbell / CHANCE

Introducing “Gray Matters,” a PDH-eligible, live webinar series designed to introduce civil engineering students and young engineers to helical pile technology.

Register online to join Emeritus Professor Dr. Alan J. Lutenegger, P.E.F. ASCE, of the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department at University of Massachusetts Amherst and Gary L. Seider, P.E., Director of Engineering for Hubbell Power Systems for a live webinar introducing helical pile technology through both the historic evolution of the technology and modern configurations and applications for civil engineers.

In the second webinar of the series, they will discuss current practice for helical pile design including theoretical bearing capacity methods and empirical energy relationships. Real-world design examples will be worked through using HeliCAP® v3.0 Helical Capacity Design Software.

The last webinar, hosted by two practicing engineers with a combined 44 years of helical pile experience, will combine engineering design and jobsite experience in a discussion of best practices for designing and installing helical pile foundations.

Register now!

Each webinar is PDH-eligible. Student participants will be connected to our nationwide network of distributors and engineers for potential internship, co-op, or career opportunities.

Sessions will be held on Tuesday afternoons:

  • April 5, 3:00-4:30 PM Central Helical Foundations – Historical Background and Modern Applications
  • April 12, 3:00-4:30 PM Central – Design Procedures – Theoretical Helical Pile and Helical Pile Capacity; Examples with HeliCAP
  • April 19, 3:00-4:00 PM Central – Helical Pile Construction Practices

Once participants have been registered, they can attend any or all of the sessions. To receive PDH credit, a 5-question quiz over the covered material must be passed. Webinars hosted by Hubbell Power Systems and CHANCE Foundations Solutions.

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