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Fraley Construction Marketing Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary
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Fraley Construction Marketing Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary

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Morgantown, Pa.: Fraley Construction Marketing will celebrate five years in business on Memorial Day. The company has continuously streamlined its market and services and experienced organic growth year after year.

Fraley launched in May 2014 to bring marketing services to the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector. In January 2017, the firm narrowed its focus to the heavy construction industry and rebranded as Fraley Construction Marketing in an effort to deliver even greater value to this market.

“Most businesses start small and expand into new markets,” said Owner Brian M. Fraley. “We’ve done the exact opposite. Our passion and knowledge intersect in the heavy construction market and I’m not aware of anyone that can bring greater value to the industry.”

Fraley’s core expertise lies in the creation of marketing content that makes sense for the heavy construction industry. The firm’s current offerings include website design, social media marketing, writing and editing, email marketing, public relations, job stories, professional photography, and video production

“The original mission was to offer a broad range of services to this niche market, said Fraley. “We pared down these offerings to reflect areas in which knowledge of the heavy construction market is critical. As an industry specialist, we collaborate with generalist agencies at the request of our customers, but we have no interest in competing with them.”

Fraley anticipates expanding services in response to ever-changing market conditions, but its focus on the heavy construction market will remain. “It’s very rare to find a firm that truly operates as a pure play in a single market segment,” Fraley said. “Our mission is to own this space so we can continue to bring maximum value to our customers.”

Fraley Construction Marketing is a marketing content specialist with a complete focus and deep knowledge of the heavy construction industry. The company offers website design, social media marketing, writing and editing, email marketing, public relations, job stories, professional photography, and video production. Fraley’s customer base includes construction equipment manufacturers and distributors; heavy highway, demolition, and building contractors; material suppliers; subcontractors; and even trade magazines and associations.

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