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DFI’s S3: Slope-Support-Stabilization Conference a Success: Abstracts Being Accepted for S3 Conference in San Francisco, August 2020
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DFI’s S3: Slope-Support-Stabilization Conference a Success: Abstracts Being Accepted for S3 Conference in San Francisco, August 2020

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More than 150 deep foundation professionals attended DFI’s S3: Slope-Support-Stabilization conference, August 6-9, at The Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The Depot, Minnesota.

This two-day technical conference, organized by eight DFI Technical Committees, focused on the effective application of deep foundations, ground improvement and soil mixing for stabilization of slopes and excavation support. The technical program featured presentations on design concepts; research; and case histories for challenging slope and landslide repairs, excavation support and slope stabilization projects using deep foundation and ground improvement methods. Specific focus was on challenging access conditions, groundwater effects, risk-based design and innovative applications.

A highlight of the conference were two keynote lectures. Stephen Wright, Ph.D., P.E., emeritus professor at the University of Texas at Austin, delivered a lecture on “Slope Stability Calculations,” and Derrick Dasenbrock, P.E., D.GE, F.ASCE, geomechanics/LRFD engineer in the geotechnical engineering section of the Minnesota Department of Transportation office of materials and road research, presented on “Land Instability and Landslide Impacts on Minnesota’s Roads and Bridges.”

Another highlight was a 90-minute panel discussion and live webinar on the effective use of software for analyzing slope and landslide stabilization projects. Providers of commonly-used software packages discussed, analyzed and presented solutions for the same real-world slope stabilization problem, discussed how the software was used to prepare various solutions, and provided tips on using packages to produce and validate solutions.

Call for Abstracts: S3 Conference 2020

The Call for Abstracts is open for S3: Slopes, Slides and Stabilization, being held August 4-6, 2020, at the Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco. The deadline for abstracts is Friday, January 17, 2020. Visit the conference website for submission information:

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