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DFI to Host Helical Piles and Tiebacks Specialty Seminar
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DFI to Host Helical Piles and Tiebacks Specialty Seminar

low-cost earth retention

September 18-19, Montreal

Hawthorne, NJ: Deep Foundations Institute’s (DFI) Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee is hosting a one-day seminar on the detailed design, application and installation of helical piles and tiebacks for new construction and rehabilitation. The seminar is being held on September 18-19, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Topics include axial, lateral, uplift, seismic, cyclic and dynamic loading; settlement analyses; and materials, construction and testing procedures for helical projects. The seminar features presentations on current technologies, design concepts, research and case histories for helical piles and tiebacks applications. Equipment, material and instrumentation suppliers; contractors; engineers; and other vendors will exhibit innovative products and services during the seminar.

The seminar features two keynote speakers. Dr. Hesham El Naggar, P.Eng., professor of geotechnical engineering and associate dean of engineering at University of Western Ontario, Canada, has 30 years of experience in analysis and design of foundations and soil-structure interaction.  Dr. Amy Cerato, P.E., professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science at the University of Oklahoma, is a geotechnical engineer whose research includes predicting expansive soil behavior using microscale properties and foundation design for alternative energy. Dr. Yasser Abdelghany of the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is the chair for this event.

The DFI Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee is meeting before the seminar on September 18, and encourages participation from seminar attendees and industry professionals in Quebec. The committee includes manufacturers, engineers, academics, suppliers and experienced contractors who constitute a forum for advancing the applications, understanding and use of helical pile and tieback foundation elements. Following the committee meeting, the seminar will kick-off with a welcome networking reception in the exhibit area.

For more information or to register, visit //

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