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Calegeo to Perform Geotechnical Survey for Moray OWF
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Calegeo to Perform Geotechnical Survey for Moray OWF

deep foundations piles

Calegeo, a geotechnical focused marine contracting and survey company, will be carrying out geotechnical survey operations on behalf of Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd in the Outer Moray Firth, as part of the Moray OWF project.

The company will utilise their DP2 geotechnical vessel, MV Highland Spirit, starting works mid June. The work comprises a series of geotechnical boreholes and seabed CPTs to evaluate foundation conditions for the wind turbine generator bases.

The wind farm is located 22 kilometers offshore in the Outer Moray Firth. With a total capacity of 1.116 MW it will produce enough electricity to power around 700,000 households.

Covering the area of 295 square kilometers, it will comprise up to 62 wind turbines with individual capacity of up to 8 MW.

MORL, a joint venture between EDP Renewables (67%) and Repsol Nuevas Energias UK Limited (33%), recently received consent for the construction and operation of the 1.116 MW offshore wind farm from the Scottish Government, which was a “critical step not only in the delivery of this project, but in the development of offshore wind in deeper water, further from shore,” said João Manso Neto, CEO of EDP Renováveis.

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