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BSP International Foundations at BAUMA 2019
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BSP International Foundations at BAUMA 2019

weep holes in seawalls

As one of the world’s foremost manufacturer of hydraulic piling hammers and ground improvement equipment, BSP International Foundations ltd (BSP), is exhibiting at the 2019 Bauma Trade Fair being held in Munich, Germany from April 8 to April 14.

At the forefront of the display in the north-west outside area on stand FN.618/3 will be the latest model in the Ipswich, England company’s Rapid Impact Compact (RIC) range mounted to a Hyundai HX 520 excavator and an example from its DX range of compact hydraulic piling hammers.

To compliment the outdoor area exhibit, the company will feature a pictorial display in the enlarged hospitality unit depicting a wide variety of major projects from around the world involving the company’s RIC compactors and hydraulic piling hammers available with drop weights from 1.5t up to 60t.

Rapid Impact Compactors (RIC)

The latest MK3 Rapid Impact Compactor (RIC) model, complete with a 9t drop weight, is fitted with a new sound attenuation pack which has been designed by BSP to significantly reduce the noise level produced by the compactor when in operation.

For more than twenty five years the innovative Rapid Impact Compactor (RIC) concept, developed and manufactured by BSP has become the preferred method for an increasing number of shallow ground improvement projects around the world. The models in the RIC range are available with drop weights of 7t, 9t, 12t and, more recently, a 16t version has been introduced. Treatment is effective in top layers typically down to 6m depth, though improvements down to 10m have been achieved in some conditions.

In particular ten RICs are currently being successfully used in Saudi Arabia to compact large areas of ground for the huge $500 billion Neom project in the north-west of the country.

BSP DX Piling Hammers

The DX hammer on display has been specifically developed to drive steel sheet piles. It has been designed as an attachment for mounting on tracked or road/rail excavators with an operating weight of around 36t.

Three models are available, the DX20, DX25 and the larger DX30, which offer drop weights of 1.5t to 2.5t. Maximum impact energy is 20kNm through to 30kNm respectively while blow rate at rated energy for both models is approximately 60 blows per minute. All DX hammers can be used to drive sheet piles, small bearing piles, tubular steel or concrete piles with ultimate load bearing up to 1800kN. They can be mounted as an excavator attachment or to a leader/dedicated rig.

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