The Brand New Soilmec SR-35 EVO

The-30-ton-class piling rigs are the ones that more than any others stand for Soilmec. Since 1995, when the first R-312 was produced, these compact, agile and yet powerful rigs have become the standard of reference in the field of ground engineering.
From Northwest Territories to Ghana, From Mexico City to Pisa leaning tower, these rigs have been virtually working in all latitudes tackling a variety of soils, rocks and weather conditions.
After more than 1500 units sold, Soilmec is introducing a new step in the segment: the brand new SR-35 EVO
The brand new SR-35 EVO is a very fast machine, easy to operate, the best answer to those specialists who are looking for performance and agility on job sites. The rig maintains the distinctive design features that have made the fortune of the SR-30. The compact geometry of the base machine and the parallelogram system allow to rapidly shifting from transport to working configuration,keeping a large working radius and the possibility to drill large diameter piles.
The machine can be moved with the kelly bar still mounted on, hence drastically reducing the setup time.
The brand new SR-35 EVO is installed with the latest generation Stage-V Diesel engines set up with the low idle control able to improve efficiency and mitigate noise pollution. The selected engine is the Cummins B6.7. It is an extremely powerful engine, it is efficient and flexible and finally helping the operator to easily deal with the most demanding jobs. Compared to the SR-30, this new engine allows 5% lower specific fuel consumption even by delivering up to 12% more power.
In the brand new SR-35 EVO, the all new rotary-head features a 15% increased torque output through DMS regulation and a very high transmission efficiency. The electronic control of the hydraulic motor displacement brings advantages in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. When working in very hard rock the system provides all the torque available while adjust it at the minimum torque needed in case of easy soil. Most important remain the fact that, during the drilling phase, the maximum possible speed is always used maximizing therefore the performance and the production rate.
The brand new SR-35 EVO is a modern machine equipped with several accessories and devices designed to guarantee the highest level of connectivity, accessibility and safety. The DMS 4.0 system, based on the IOT technology, enables to use the most advanced automatic functions lately developed by Soilmec: Autodrilling, Autorotary, mast assisted lifting (Soilmec patent), automatic return to the hole center just to name some of the features which help the operator work and increase his comfort during the working phases.
In the brand new SR-35 EVO, the segmental mast engineered for this unit is composed by two elements linked by a flange. Such a design allows to shorten or to extend the mast according to the job site needs without removing the section linked to parallelogram system. The solution enables to rapidly convert the rig machine in to the LHR configuration. 7,5 m (24.6 ft) minimum operating height, multifunctionally and adaptability are therefore the main features.