BIG Names at Internation Foundation Congress & Equipment Expo

A BIG part of the IFCEE Technical Program is the invited speakers. In addition to the traditional Named Lectures, this year, we are introducing the inaugural IFCEE Lecture.
Inaugural IFCEE Lecture: Wednesday, May 8
Dr. Rotta Loria is head of the Northwestern University Subsurface Opportunities and Innovations Laboratory (SOIL) within the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His most recent work studying the effects of rising soil temperatures in large cities due to heat island effects is a fitting subject for the inaugural IFCEE lecture, which looks to the future in deep foundations. Dr. Rotta Loria’s work has been featured in the New York Times and on NBC News and presents significant questions for the future of work in the industry.
Named Lectures: Thursday, May 9
E.A.L. Smith Award Lecture
PDCA’s E.A.L. Smith Award Lecture is presented triennially at the IFCEE conference. It recognizes projects where innovations led to highly efficient, environmentally sensitive and resource conscious driven pile solutions. The award is bestowed in keeping with the spirit of the Smith approach of simplicity and practicality.
Presented by: Richard Hartman, Ph.D., P.E., Hartman Engineering
Michael W. O’Neill Lecture
The ADSC Michael W. O’Neill Lecture Award is presented triennially at each IFCEE for outstanding contributions to the advancement of state-of-the-practice in the design and construction of deep foundations through practical, applied research and/or through recommended improvements to design and/or construction methodologies.
Presented by: Silas Nichols, P.E., Federal Highway Administration
Osterberg Memorial Lecture
The annual DFI Osterberg Memorial Lecture and Award was established in honor of Dr. Jorj O. Osterberg, one of the true pioneers of geotechnical engineering, to recognize innovations in deep foundations construction related to engineering design, testing or education — all aspects Osterberg’s lifelong contributions.
Presented by: John Wolosick, P.E., S.E., BC.GE, F.ASCE, Keller North America
It’s Gonna Be Big!
There are a few exhibit spaces still available. So don’t wait – reserve your space now and be part of something big!
Don’t forget to grab the remaining sponsorship opportunities when you book your space. If you are interested in sponsorships and advertising without exhibiting, contact [email protected].