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ASTM Standard for Thermal Integrity Profiling
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ASTM Standard for Thermal Integrity Profiling


The American Society for Testing and Materials has issued a new standard, ASTM D7949 – 14, “Standard Test Methods for Thermal Integrity Profiling of Concrete Deep Foundations”. This Standard provides “minimum requirements for thermal profiling of concrete deep foundation elements” and may now be purchased from ASTM at

The Scope of the Standard states that “the thermal profile resulting from the early curing of concrete can be used to evaluate the homogeneity and integrity of the concrete mass” and mentions its use in “bored piles, drilled shafts, augered piles, diaphragm walls, barrettes and dams” and other similar structures. “The effective radius and hence concrete cover as a function of position along the shaft can be estimated from this method”, says the ASTM web page for the Standard.

The Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP) manufactured by Pile Dynamics, Inc. meets the requirements of ASTM D7949. TIP makes it possible to quickly scan the early curing process for local relatively cool temperatures resulting from reduction of cement content, which could indicate local defects. This award winning instrument is now available with a larger screen.

Pile Dynamics offers a host of other systems for quality assurance of deep foundation in addition to the Thermal Integrity Profiler. For more information visit

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