Announcing a Public Relations Position for a Retired Structural Engineer in the New York City Area

How would you like to put your many years of professional experience to use participating in activities that are already within your professional sphere, and be paid to do so?
Pieresearch, a leading, and innovative manufacturer of alignment and centralizer products for use in the deep foundations and earth retention industries is seeking a retired structural engineer to represent the company on a part-time basis at professional meetings and to make technical presentations at other informational sessions. This is not a sales position but more in line with representing the company’s highly regarded products to design engineers and specifiers in a variety of professional settings. The presentations can take place, but are not limited to, Section Meetings, Conferences, and similar gatherings. They can be offered as information/education sessions at design and specification organizations’ offices. The region to be covered includes New York City and its environs.
The representative will be supplied with technical materials and product samples to be displayed at appropriate venues. The representative will be asked to attend membership and education meetings of organizations of which Pieresearch is a member, and others recommended by the representative in order to provide a presence for the company. All expenses pursuant to these activities will be paid by Pieresearch.
The representative will interface directly with the President of Pieresearch, offer feedback, and make recommendations for ways to enhance the firm’s presence in the design and specifications communities. This is a collaborative position.
Compensation will be commensurate with the representative’s experience, level of interest, and is negotiable.
To learn more about Pieresearch visit our website at:
Interested parties are asked to contact Stan Agee, Pieresearch President at: [email protected]
In order to accelerate the process please send a Resume and a brief statement of your thoughts and interest.