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AEGIR-MARINE 10 year Anniversary Singapore-Shanghai Office
Volume 41 Issue 1
Volume 40 Issue 6
Volume 40 Issue 5
Volume 40 Issue 4
Volume 40 Issue 3
Volume 40 Issue 2
Volume 40 Issue 1
Volume 39 Issue 6
Volume 39 Issue 5
Volume 39 Issue 4
issue 39-3
Volume 39 Issue 3
Volume 39 Issue 2
pile dynamic analysis test

AEGIR-MARINE 10 year Anniversary Singapore-Shanghai Office

AEGIR-Marine started their Asian adventure back in 2005 with an office in Shanghai – China followed by a second Asian office (Singapore) 5 years later. Today the Chinese and Singaporean offices together form a solid base for AEGIRs Asian activities.

Different but the same
The Asian market is very dynamic and challenging, according to Hans Dekker, sales director AEGIR-Marine. “In some ways it’s similar to the European and American market,” Hans Dekker says. “High quality and excellent service are recognized worldwide. The difference lays in the way business is conducted. The Asian market asks for more patience. They tend to be more loyal, and a good story just isn’t good enough. Your references count and you have to prove yourself worth the trouble of switching.”

Hans Dekker likes the dynamics of East Asia, although he sees very well how different Japan is from South Korea and where Hong Kong is a very open market, China is still rather closed. What binds the area is the booming economics.
“AEGIR-Marine Singapore is doing very well,” Dekker states, “not in the least because of our fantastic Asian staff. We started out with 2 engineers, where as we now employ 15 well-educated professionals that manage the service and sales department. Our challenge lays in keeping up with the speed of growth and recruiting additional qualified staff at the same.”

About AEGIR-Marine BV

In the 15 years of her existence AEGIR-Marine has developed to a major player in the international marine industry. As an independent manufacturer AEGIR-Marine produces stern tube seals and propulsion that are suitable for all major propulsion systems. Today
AEGIR-Marine PRIME Parts® is a well-known class approved brand.
However AEGIR-Marine’s main focus is and always has been service; worldwide service on stern tube seals and propulsion systems.

AEGIR-Marine resides in the Netherlands, but has offices and agencies worldwide.

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