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A Moving Memorial
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A Moving Memorial


TIM_logo_tag_cmykAnyone lucky enough to visit Washington D.C. might be familiar with the Korean War Veterans Memorial. The memorial is a larger-than-life example of American troops on patrol in Korea. The squad is made up of four branches of the armed forces. There are fourteen figures from the U.S. Army, three from the Marine Corps, one Navy Corpsman, and one Air Force Forward Air Observer. Each serviceman in the memorial is made completely of stainless steel, weighing nearly 1,000 lbs. and between 7 ft. 3 in. and 7ft. 6 in. high.

Dressed in full combat gear and walking through granite and juniper bushes, the stainless steel statues are incredibly lifelike. There is a wall behind the Korean War Veterans Memorial that reflects the image of the soldiers, so that anyone looking at the monument will see the 19 soldiers transformed into what looks like 38 troops, which represents the 38th parallel. The wall bears a single message in silver, saying “Freedom Is Not Free.”

At Texas Iron & Metal, we’re often impressed with the immense ways steel is used and are very proud that steel helped create such a moving monument. We’re proud of all of all veterans who have served our country, and will remember those who have fallen in the line of duty. Make sure this Memorial Day, May 25, that you thank the veterans in your life and pay special tribute to those who have passed defending our freedom.

This piece is an excerpt from the Texas Iron & Metal monthly eNewsletter. Texas Iron & Metal is a proud employer of U.S. veterans. With Prime or Less-Than-Prime© steel and pipe, Texas Iron & Metal offers a large and varied inventory at big savings. Whether you are starting a new project or looking to finish an existing project, check out a sample of our products online at or call 855.217.9219 and speak to one of our knowledgeable sales staff. To sign up for Texas Iron & Metal’s eNewsletter click here.

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