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Excavate and Dredge with MOBITRAC
Volume 41 Issue 1
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Excavate and Dredge with MOBITRAC

MOBITRAC USA  is the go-to and most professional company for your commercial harvesting needs for your lake and or pond. With our expertise in outfitting lake associations, businesses, cities and homeowners, we have the experience and right information to help solve your problems in a timely and cost effective manner.

Looking for a MOBITRAC to buy now? We always have machines in stock for immediate sale.


The DREDGE Pump MB-LL80B-4 is developed for the MOBITRAC.

It can be used for sediment pumping and also for the pumping of algea, beach cleaning, or collection of other debris that is floating in the water.

This pump is for dredging slurry, from ponds and other water areas. And designed to fit on the lift-arm of the MOBITRAC

The pump is be regulated from a start panel on its own engine and close to the driver.

When the sediments are other than light and soft material, it may be wise to discuss the type of pump you may need.

The DREDGE pump MB-H180 (centrifugal open impeller version) has a separate power pack that can either be placed in the front of the driver or on the backside of the MOBITRAC.  The pump it self can be attached to the lift-arm or to the excavator unit.


The excavator can be attached to the front of the MOBITRAC aquatic plant harvester. This way the combination becomes a floating excavator with unique possibilities.

Now the MOBITRAC excavator is well adapted for cleaning inflow and outflows to lakes, digging works in canals, ditches, around bridges, cable laying, etc.

The excavator-arm is controlled from the driver’s seat with two coordinated levers placed on a middle bracket that can easily be adapted to the drivers needs.

The excavator technical information

  • Digging radius: 20 ft.
  • Digging depth: 10 ft.
  • Weight arm: 550 lbs.
  • Valve packet with 2 coordinated levers for turn, lift, bucket and bar
  • Total weight of unit: 716 lbs.   

The excavator is delivered with 2 supporting legs.

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