2018 DFI Annual Conference is Just One Month Away

Hilton Anaheim
Anaheim, CA
Planning is well underway for the DFI Annual Conference on Deep Foundations taking place on October 24-27 in Anaheim, California. The theme of the 43rd conference is Mastering the Challenge: Engineering for Complex Loading Conditions in the 21stCentury.
The 2018 conference will feature technical presentations on innovations and advancements that address performance-based design and construction of foundations subject to increasingly challenging structural demands. The conference will also provide an international forum for a wide range of geo-professionals to present, discuss and debate all aspects of assessment, development, design and mitigation for complex loading conditions in the 21st century. Several panel discussions are planned where invited specialists will interact with the audience to examine pressing issues in foundation industry practices.
- Enter Conference Website
- Register Here
- Can’t attend in person? – Register for the Performance Based Design Panel Discussion (PBD) Webinar
- View the Conference Program and Schedule
- Join one of our Committee Meetings at the Conference – see Schedule Here
- Authors – Log-In Here
- Exhibitor Booths are Sold out! View the Exhibitor Floor Plan